A New Year, A New Name and Look: T&H Becomes TRG

It’s the New Year and we at Taylor & Hammel LLC are kicking it off in a big way by announcing a new name and look. We hope to magnify the successes of the last decade and focus on the future of our company as Taylor Research Group (TRG).

We are rebranding to more accurately reflect our company makeup after co-founder Matt Hammel retired from research and returned to his native Minnesota and his roots in the field of education. Although this is a bittersweet change for our company, we are thrilled for Matt, and happy that he will remain a valued part-time consultant.

Though our name has changed, we remain leaders in our field, who are dedicated to providing historical and environmental research services related to asbestos litigation, toxic tort and environmental litigation, product liability claims, as well as a variety of other research fields.

We will continue to assist clients — past, present and future — with complex commercial issues that help them identify potential liabilities and better understand their corporate histories. For instance, a client in the oil and gas industry requested our services to uncover the historical use of a city block on which they owned a bulk plant during the 1900s. In the early 2000s — years after the plant had ceased operations — the city found “free product” or standing oil on the property. Our research helped them understand the history of their ownership and operations of this property and also identified two other potentially responsible parties (PRPs) that could be brought in to help with cleanup efforts.

As always, we look forward to taking on unique project requests that require imaginative research solutions. For example, we collected historical environmental data related to coal, crude oil, and natural gas accidents and disasters in the United States from 2004 to 2014 for an online data visualization project for one nationally known client. We also have conducted historical research for clients who do not need it for legal purposes: from archival research to locate historical information for KPMG’s 100th anniversary in Washington, D.C., to gathering footage for a documentary on the history of the automobile for the National Automobile Dealers Association.

Since our founding, we’ve prided ourselves on being a small business that is responsive to our clients and their research needs. This will remain our focus as we move forward as TRG. Our experienced and innovative team of historians and researchers will continue to expertly mine federal, state and local records collections throughout the United States for the documentation our clients need.

Please get in touch with us to discuss your current research needs. In the meantime, all of us at TRG would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very successful, joyful and healthy 2017! We look forward to working together in the near future.